Monday 10 October 2011

Our Time Is Coming - 15th October - Occupy the London Stock Exchage

During the Block-The-Bridge demo @ Parliament Bridge on the 9th October, held to protest against the privitazation of the NHS, the people of London held the 1st General Assembly of the 'Occupy London' movement. During the assembly, ideas were discussed about the general direction of where the movement would be heading. It has now been agreed that the occupation of the London Stock Exchange will begin on the Saturday, the 15th October.

Emulating the Wall.St occupation, the tent city will be erected, joining occupations around the UK taking place in Manchester, Birmingham, Newcastle & Edinburgh along cities across the UK, which will rise up in co-ordination on the 15th October.

The globalized world finds itself on an economic precicipe, and as the situation declines further, we will findour selfs in economic collapse by the end of the year, confirmed by specialist economists, heads of government departments and even the head of the IMF. The damage to living standards will wreck the lives of millions worldwide. We, the people, the 99% have had enough, enough of paying for the greed of the super-rich elites, we've had enough of watching our soldiers die in futile imperialistic wars, we've had enough of our civil liberties being curbed in the name of so called 'counter-terrorism', enough of the cuts to our welfare state, we, the students, are fed up with your excuses. You've sown the seeds of chaos, and now they shall reap the aftermath, our time is here.

UK rise up, rise up with our indignant comrades across Europa, rise up with the heroic revolutionaries of Arab World, rise up with the people of Chile, rise up with Wall.St & America. If you've had enough, let them know about it, if you've had enough, join me, and thousands of my comrades, at the London Stock Exchange on the 15th October Day of Rage.

Facebook link to event-!/event.php?eid=255151111189948

Follow me on twitter as I report daily on the occupation -!/SquareTaker


  1. You've missed a key point in the Occupy Wall St movement and what has made it successful. Signing it the "Day of Rage" sends out completely the wrong message. We must keep it non-violent. We will be provoked, as our brothers and sisters have been provoked elsewhere. There is no need to call it such a provocative title. It is not about rage. It is about taking back our human dignity, showing the 1% that they too will suffer if they continue with their idiotic behaviour. Let us not emulate the violence they have inflicted on the rest of the world. Let us dare to be different.

    Please reconsider the title. Day of Solidarity, yes. Day of Rage, absolutely not. If this gets violent, we all lose. Peace!

  2. I agree completely with the above comment. The authorities would love nothing better than for the protestors to act violently, so that, as Malcolm X said, "The newspapers will have you [the general public] hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing."

    A study of global nonviolent and violent resistance campaigns from 1900 to 2006 (Why Civil Resistance Works, by Maria J. Stephan and Erica Chenoweth), showed that 53% of nonviolent campaigns were successful, compared to 26% of violent campaigns (and only 7% of campaigns that included terrorism). The authros cite two reasons for this: 1) A campaign's commitment to nonviolent methods enhances its domestic and international legitimacy, and encourages more broad-based participation in the resistance, which translates into increased pressure being placed on the target. 2) Whereas governments easily justify violent counteracts against violent protestors, regime violence against nonviolent movements is likely to backfire against the government or regime.
