Sunday 2 October 2011

15th October - The Global Day of Rage

On the 15th October, Anti-Austerity groups, Revolutionary Activists & Social Movements as whole will hold the co-ordinated Global Day or Rage in opposition to  the unjustices which have now become law. A man once said, that once injustice become law, resistance becomes duty, and thus, university occupations, student movements, anti-austerity campaigns, occupational, resistance and revolutionary movements will rise up together, and united, they will make their voices heard. Resisance movements which have risen up since the 2008 Financial Crisis have been spiralling in social popularity, it has been reflected in the streets of Europe, Africa, North Africa, Latin & North America in the form of occupations, civil disobediance, general strikes and revolutions. Now, the global restance movement against injustice is gearing up for what has the potential to be the largest co-ordinated against against their governments, criminal bankers and dictators.

Global attacks on public sector welfare, forced privatization of education & healthcare sectors, cuts to social programmes & welfare, have now breeded the reaction that was inevitable. Across the world, people are rising, the Arab Revolutions, the protest movements across Europe and the Americas, the indignado's in Hispania, the Greek Revolutionary Movement, the Chilean Student protests, the University occupations, the Occupation of Wall Street and many more civil disobediance movements, in response to the fall in living standards, have only increased in strength, and show no signs of faltering. On the 15th October, these protests movements will be joined by potentially the most significant mass-civil disobediance protest activity in the UK in living memory - the occupation of the London Stock Exchange. The co-ordination is not merley limited to London, as protesters across the United States take to the streets, not just in New York, on the streets of Wisconsin, Seatle and countless other urban areas.

Since globalization took hold from the 70s onwards, capitalism has now intergrated the entire world into one, huge, global economy, thus what happens somewhere, has an effect everywhere. The so called 'economic recovery' has failed, it was never a recovery as such, more like a rebound to economic stagnation, and now, with the European debt crisis and economic instability globally, the world finds itself slowly moving towards the brink, which once passed, we will free fall, into complete and utter economic collapse. The effect will be global, and will result in such a drop in living standards across the 1st world, that it will force people to react, force people to take to the streets, what we see now, and what will soon spiral out of control, is the very beginning of this reaction.

To date, not one individual has been able to theorise a method for humanity to practicly espace from the possesive grip of the economic system, and rightly so, as practcality strongly inclines us all to be part of it. Only total economic collapse will provide an escape, in which humanity will be able to break free from its slavery. On the 15th October, where ever you are, tell your friends, tell your neighbhors, blog, hyperlink, message, get out onto the streets and fight for your humanity, fight for your freedom, fight for your right to be free from the totalitarian grip of the dictators, the bankers, and the governments which rampantly disregard the interests of their people, wherever you are, take to the streets, and express your rage, as I shall, and as shall millions of people across the world.