Saturday 25 June 2011

The Future Of Humanity, Self-Destruction or Anarchy ?

Pitted against the forces of capitalism, for over 200 years, great philosophers such as Marx, Lenin, Bakunin etc have engineered theories regarding methods in which the transition from capitalism to an alternative political system have been put forward. However, the element of the equation which is most important to take into account, is that the further we move into capitalism, the more our lives become practically dependent upon it. Attempts to overthrow the system from within are futile, this is simply because their is no direct point of attack, this is so as capitalism is an idea which people subscribe to, therefore, the only method to overthrow such an economic system would be for the manifestation of the rich-poor divide in global culture to become so extreme, to the degree that peoples livelihoods are threatened, only then will the masses be willing (forced) into taking action in which they will no longer subscribe to capitalism.

However, this is not the inevitable conclusion of a certain ere of social progression. As people become more dependent on capitalism, two outcomes become obvious, one of which, is the thesis stated above, in which humanity rises up against the rich-poor divide, and is ultimately victorious, or we anarchists, are simply ahead of our time, able to see the trap humanity has engineered for itself, the path of self-destruction. With every percentage of economic growth, the natural resources of the earth become depleted, and global warming becomes more intense.

In the future, the contradictory forces of the rich-poor divide will manifest in social instability, and destroy capitalism. The other possible conclusion, would be for humanity to consume all available scarce resources, and whilst doing do, pollute the atmosphere of our planet, resulting is mass famine, drought, and mass migration north and south of the poles of Capricorn and Cancer, which would not bode well at all for the future of the Human race.

update to come soon... - free media