Friday 21 October 2011

Leaked US Document Reveals Plans To Initiate Imminent Global War

Both the armed forces of the Russian Federation & the Peoples Republic of China have been stationed on their 'highest alert' in anticipation of a massive-scale land invasion of both the Middle East & Central Asia.

The plans for this global war were leaked by former Black-Water mercenary Bryan Underwood, who was arrested in the US on the 29th Sept 2011 for issues relating to breaches in national security. It has been claimed that he leaked the report to the Chinese State Security Services in an attempt to prevent the plan from being put into action. Remarking on the leaked documents as having crucial information on some kind of American 'Great Event'.

Vladimir Putin, within hours of reading the leaked document, had scheduled an emergency trip to China to meet Hu-Jintao, outlined a grand-project to unify the post-Soviet Union in a new organisation/geo-political-economic framework known as the 'Eurasian Union' to further integrate the CIS states.

Going back to the report, four primary fundamentals have emerged -

1.) The deliberate implosion of both the US and EU economies in order to destroy the Global Financial System that has been in place since the ending of World War II

2.) The launching of a massive conventional war by the US and EU on the North American, African and Asian Continents to include the Middle East

3.) During this all-out war the deliberate releasing of bio-warfare agents meant to kill off millions, if not billions, of innocent civilians

4.) At the height of this war the US and its allies will sue for peace and call for a new global order to be established in order to prevent the total destruction of our planet.

Those who follow international relations from a realist perspective will understand why the US must act in such a way. It's entire economy is reliant on continous warfare, its declining advantage in economic/political/military aspects will eventually lead to its downfall if action is not taken. Such an ambitious plan is the only option for International Realists in the United States to retain its hegemonic superpower status throughout the 21st century. Also outlined in this report is how the United States government is 'terrorfied' of the 'unprecedented loss' of the global ozone layer, and its disasterous reprecussions in the form of natural disasters, commening, that those within recent years have been the costliest on record.

Obama advisor Paul Krugmann remarked eariler this week ''What we need is actually the financial equivalent of war. What actually brought the Great Depression to an end was the enormous public spending program otherwise known as World War II.” A war of such scale would only play tremendously towards the benefit of the USA in economic terms, ensuring its survival as an economic superpower for the remainder of the 21st century.

Everything is in place...I cannot cite this report, this information has been taken from other mediaoutlets, make your own mind about it...just remember, that if this is ever going to happen, the emphasis is that it will occur much sooner rather than later. (Phase 1 just about complete)