Wednesday 17 August 2011

The Era of 'Great Britain' is over - the UK descends into its Distopian destiny

As we all know, the culmination of social tensions within the UK in recent years along class/ethnic lines in the form of a social manifestation has brought the UK into the spotlight of the whole world, no longer does Britain stand as the empire on which the sun never sets, with incontestable economic, military and political power, but rather, whilst its ruling class continues to live in the past, the rest of the UK moves on, hurtling into the future, where its destiny is that of oppression, economic chaos, social unrest and sheer grimness.

One may ask, after reading the writings above, as to how this is the may yet to be on, and decide for yourself.

Since the adoption of neo-liberalism and the Washington Consensus by every neo-con governments since the 1980's, the UK has evolved into a chaotic socio-economic mess. The de-regulation of the market has resulted in the largest expansion of the rich-poor divide in our history. Structural un-employment has led to an new generation of youths born into a society at the lower end of the class spectrum, without the financial opportunity of its predecessor generations. The result has been a new generation, culturally alienated from the Britain that the media claims it to be, born without opportunity, with little or no chance of making a satisfying for themselves in their future, the recent riots have been a culmination of this social tension, which has been waiting to explode.

The UK's economic decline has not only manifested itself in the new generation of under-class youth, but also across the entire spectrum of the market economy itself, with the RPI index spiralling above 4.5% whilst wage increases equal that of only 0.5%, if anything. This has resulted in the increased cost of living accompanied with a decrease in the value of wages; this aspect, along with rising accommodation and energy prices has pushed Britain's to the brink of political polarization. The global economic collapse of 2008, combined with the recent crashes of the FTSE and global major financial indexes has also highlighted a seemingly more worrying problem, the so called 'economic recovery' which has recently stagnated and flat lined, on average below 1% growth signals the permanent economic decline of the western economic powers. Yet to take into account, is the fact that the recent crashes on the global markets have yet to manifest itself socially, in the form of inflation, unemployment and social unrest.

As the British people suffer, their lack of political self-education has proven to further entrench the position of those at the height of the political-economic superstructure, the alienation of the masses from the left-wing, combined with their ignorance and the influence of the right-wing media, has resulted in spiralling support for the causes of various far-right sects, with the BNP vote quadrupling in the last election and the sudden and rapid rise of the EDL two years ago. The economic decline has manifested itself socially in the spheres of political alienation from the center and polarization towards to direction of the far-right. The use of immigrants as scapegoats for economic problems by the right-wing media has further strengthened the power of the far-right, also the arguable failure of the multi-cultural experiment and the existance of so called 'radical-Islam' has substantially heightened racial tensions within Britian, which soon enough, may very well manifest itself in an open social conflict between muli-culturalist and nationalist blocs.

If the situation was not bad enough, the erosion of civil-liberties over the past decades, and the draconian power measures passed by the government in recent months and gave the state-apparatus the powers it needs to forcefully repress the cracks of this broken society, the manifestation of these tensions in society, and the powers used by the security services to counter them have signalled a permanent flight of personal-social freedoms such as that of expression, speech and appearance for the foreseeable future. As the neo-cons use social unrest as further excuse to expand their control over the masses, the UK descends into an era of neo-authoritarianism in which further erosion of civil liberties, this, along with the increased censorship and monitoring of cyber space signals a very worrying future for our country.

Peering into the future, the deep-rooted economic problems, which show no sign of being resolved, and only intensifying to that end, will only increase social tensions between class and race in the UK, and the whole western world for that matter. We will see increased unrest across the country, manifesting itself in the form of civil-disobedience, increases in crime rates, increases in racial tensions and large-scale rioting, all to be repressed by the governments expansion of powers over us - their erosion of our civil liberties. The UK, for the foreseeable future, is on a one-way path to distopia, or outright revolution and only those at the top of the class structure have any practical option of solving these problems, but as that will be against their interests, I personally believe that is not likely to happen. This country is hurtling into the abyss, any notion of 'Great Britain' as being great anymore is more a joke than a reality, this country is unsalvagable, and quite possibly on route to a situation similar to that of 1920's Germany. What will happen, we can only guess, but the analysis of the problems Britain faces at the moment, and the path they seem to be taking us down, doesn't seem to be very good at all.

Make of it what you will

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